Wednesday, June 19, 2013

group cohesiveness is the strength of the group

Simply group cohesiveness means the togetherness of the group members. Actually cohesiveness is more or less important to success of the group. Because when we are playing a role of group member all members should act as an individual. To improve group cohesiveness following factors are very much important. They are,
  •  Clear understanding on each other
  •  Interest to work towards the group objectives
  •  Think about other members' mental & physical situations
  •  Understand that what a member should do on behalf of the group

By improving following factors a group can build up their cohesiveness among the group members. As university students we always have to work as a group. Though there are some differences among the group members & their views we should able to manage those things &   be a successful group. When we are doing a group activity all members must give their contribution for that work. Then only we can get synergistic effect from the group. But some members tend to be a free riders. Under such kind of situation cohesiveness can't be continued. And also if there is cohesiveness among members such kind of things can't be happened. So in my point of view group cohesiveness is highly affect to success of the group & otherwise many problems between members can be arisen. 



  1. Group cohesiveness is a main feature of a successful group.

  2. BM/2010/202

    If someone is looking a success to their group he/she must first create her interpersonal relationship. Then can create the group cohesiveness.

  3. Yes it is difficult to deal with group members who have various kind of ideas and thinking abilities. So in order to be a successful group we should manage those people well.

  4. BM/2010/262
    yes some members try to be a free riders Under such kind of situation cohesiveness can't be continued that is one problem we are always facing to deal with a group

  5. bm/2010/049
    When group is very cohesive, Group members can fill in for each others' lack of knowledge or shortage of skill.

  6. If the group is cohesive it strengthens the ability to face challenges.

  7. With the group cohesiveness the team mates can share their knowledge, skills, attitudes, etc each other. This will lead to success of the group.


  8. Team members should identify each other. Then it will cause to success of the group. If the members don't identify members' needs, it will badly affect to the success of the group.
